Source code for

from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, Mapping, Optional, Sequence

from aleph_alpha_client.document import Document

[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class QaRequest: """DEPRECATED: `QaRequest` is deprecated and will be removed in the future. New methods of processing Q&A tasks will be provided before this is removed. Answers a question about a prompt. Parameters: query (str, required): The question to be answered about the documents by the model. documents (List[Document], required): A list of documents. This can be either docx documents or text/image prompts. max_answers (int, default None): The maximum number of answers. Examples: >>> request = QaRequest( query = "What is a computer program?", documents = [document] ) """ query: str documents: Sequence[Document] max_answers: Optional[int] = None
[docs] def to_json(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: payload = { **self._asdict(), "documents": [ document._to_serializable_document() for document in self.documents ], } if self.max_answers is None: del payload["max_answers"] return payload
def _asdict(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: return asdict(self)
@dataclass(frozen=True) class QaAnswer: """DEPRECATED: `QaAnswer` is deprecated and will be removed in the future. New methods of processing Q&A tasks will be provided before this is removed. """ answer: str score: float evidence: str
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class QaResponse: """DEPRECATED: `QaResponse` is deprecated and will be removed in the future. New methods of processing Q&A tasks will be provided before this is removed. """ answers: Sequence[QaAnswer]
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json(json: Mapping[str, Any]) -> "QaResponse": return QaResponse( answers=[ QaAnswer(item["answer"], item["score"], item["evidence"]) for item in json["answers"] ], )