Source code for aleph_alpha_client.prompt_template

from re import finditer
import re
from typing import Dict, Iterable, Mapping, NewType, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from uuid import UUID, uuid4
from liquid import Template

from aleph_alpha_client.prompt import Image, Prompt, PromptItem, Text, Tokens

Placeholder = NewType("Placeholder", UUID)

[docs] class PromptTemplate: """Allows to build a `Prompt` using the `liquid template language <>`_. To add non-text prompt items first you have to save it to the template with the `template.placeholder()` function. To embed the items in the template, pass the placeholder in the place(s) where you would like the items. Example: >>> image = Image.from_file(Path("path-to-image")) >>> template = PromptTemplate( '''{%- for name in names -%} Hello {{name}}! {% endfor -%} {{ image }} ''') >>> placeholder = template.placeholder(image) >>> names = ["World", "Rutger"] >>> prompt = template.to_prompt(names=names, image=placeholder) >>> request = CompletionRequest(prompt=prompt) """ def __init__(self, template_str: str) -> None: """Initialize with the liquid template string. Parameters: template_str: the liquid template string """ self.template = Template(template_str) self.non_text_items: Dict[Placeholder, Union[Image, Tokens]] = {}
[docs] def placeholder(self, prompt_item: Union[Image, Tokens]) -> Placeholder: """Saves a non-text prompt item to the template and returns a placeholder The placeholder is used to embed the prompt item in the template """ id = Placeholder(uuid4()) self.non_text_items[id] = prompt_item return id
def _join_character( self, first_item: Union[Text, Image, Tokens, None], second_item: Text ) -> str: if ( isinstance(first_item, Text) and not first_item.text[-1].isspace() and not second_item.text[0].isspace() ): return " " else: return ""
[docs] def embed_prompt(self, prompt: Prompt) -> str: """Embeds a prompt in a prompt template Adds whitespace between text items if there is no whitespace between them. In case of non-text prompt items, this embeds them into the end result. Example: >>> user_prompt = Prompt( [ Tokens.from_token_ids([1, 2, 3]), Text.from_text("cool"), Image.from_file(Path("path-to-image")), ] ) >>> template = PromptTemplate("Question: {{user_prompt}}\\n Answer: ") >>> prompt = template.to_prompt(user_prompt=template.embed_prompt(user_prompt)) Parameters: prompt: prompt to embed in the template """ prompt_text = "" last_item = None for item in prompt.items: if isinstance(item, Text): if len(item.text) == 0: continue prompt_text = str.join( self._join_character(last_item, item), [prompt_text, item.text] ) else: prompt_text = str.join("", [prompt_text, str(self.placeholder(item))]) last_item = item return prompt_text
[docs] def to_prompt(self, **kwargs) -> Prompt: """Creates a `Prompt` from the template string and the given parameters. Provided parameters are passed to `liquid.Template.render`. """ liquid_prompt: str = self.template.render(**kwargs) placeholder_indices = self._compute_indices( self.non_text_items.keys(), liquid_prompt ) modalities = _modalities_from( placeholder_indices, self.non_text_items, liquid_prompt ) self.non_text_items = {} return Prompt(list(modalities))
def _compute_indices( self, placeholders: Iterable[Placeholder], template: str ) -> Iterable[Tuple[int, int]]: if not self.non_text_items: return [] pattern = f"({'|'.join(str(placeholder) for placeholder in placeholders)})" return ((match.start(), match.end()) for match in finditer(pattern, template))
def _modalities_from( placeholder_indices: Iterable[Tuple[int, int]], prompt_items_by_placeholder: Mapping[Placeholder, Union[Image, Tokens]], template: str, ) -> Iterable[PromptItem]: last_to = 0 for placeholder_from, placeholder_to in placeholder_indices: if last_to < placeholder_from: yield Text.from_text(template[last_to:placeholder_from]) yield prompt_items_by_placeholder[ Placeholder(UUID(template[placeholder_from:placeholder_to])) ] last_to = placeholder_to if last_to < len(template): yield Text.from_text(template[last_to:])